Body & Mind – Gymnasium Wellness & Spa Limited owns and operates this website.

122796 Gibraltar registration

These terms and conditions include general terms and conditions for using this Site, as well as terms and conditions for services provided by Body & Mind on the site and in our wellness center.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. These terms and conditions apply to your use of the site and the purchase of our Services on this site, app, or in our center. And you now hereby agree to our terms and conditions.


Sessions are subject to availability but we will always do our best to accommodate you in your chosen timeslot.

All sessions must be prepaid and all clients agree to our 24hr notice policy when cancelling and/or rescheduling. If you’re scheduled into a session, but miss it or cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice, you will be charged for it.

Unless otherwise specified, sessions are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.


It is your responsibility to ascertain through appropriate medical advice that you are fit and well and that sessions are appropriate for you. The information available on or through this site, app, and the Services supplied via or in connection with this site or at the Body & Mind center do not constitute medical advice. It is not our responsibility to do so. Before commencing any session, you should consult your doctor.

It is also vital that you supply us with correct information about yourself. We cannot be liable for any incorrect information supplied by you to us. We make an effort to ensure that all of the information on this site (and that we provide to you as part of any Service) is accurate, However, subject to the clause below, we do not accept any liability for any error or omission and disclaim all responsibility for any action you (or your legal representatives or heirs) may take or loss or injury you may experience as a result of relying on any information on this site or provided through any Service supplied by us to you. This includes loss of pay, profit, opportunity, or time, as well as pain and suffering and any indirect, consequential or special loss, however arising.

You, your legal representatives, and your heirs agree not to sue Body & Mind and its operators for any injury or death caused by their negligence or other actions.


You may purchase a session, a session package, or any other combination that Body & Mind may from time to time introduce. Sessions are not transferable and cannot be shared.

Session fees may be increased by Body & Mind at any time. The Proprietor shall give Clients not less than 14 days notice prior to any such increases.

The rights of cancellation and refund and any limitation expressed in these terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. Refunds in relation to Sessions may only be credited to the credit or debit card originally used to make the purchase.


In these terms and conditions, the following definitions apply: “Sessions” means any information and whole body cryotherapy sessions provided by Body & Mind through or via the Site, app or our centre and all services offered as part of any package.   Any electronic information supplied to you by Body & Mind will constitute part of “Session” and not a Product and cancellation rights will apply accordingly. “Products” means any products offered for sale on the Site or in the Body & Mind centre. “Site” refers to the website located at or any subsequent replacement site(s).


You may use the Site for personal and lawful use and in accordance with these terms and you may not copy or use any material from the site for any commercial purpose.

Body & Mind Limited is the owner of all intellectual property rights pertaining to the Materials, which include all site content and materials supplied as part of the Products or Services, as well as the trademarks and insignia of the Body & Mind brands. Except to the extent expressly permitted by these terms and conditions, you may not make copies of any portion of the Materials, or remove or modify anything from the site, include or create links to or from the site without our prior written consent, or remove or modify any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right notices that may appear on the Materials or copies thereof. Body & Mind owns the registered trademark “Body & Mind.” You must not use the Body & Mind trademark, logo or marks without written licence.


The Body & Mind privacy policy, which is included in these Terms and Conditions, dictates the parameters for how we may use your personally identifiable information.


You are referred to the important liability statement at the top of these terms and conditions. Subject to this disclaimer, you agree to use this Site, the application, and the Service “as is” and “as available.” Consequently, except as expressly set forth in these terms, Body & Mind makes no conditions, assurances, or other terms regarding the site, app, or Services (including any implied term relating to quality, fitness for a particular purpose, or any guaranteed or anticipated result).

Subject to the important disclaimer of liability, Body & Mind is not liable for failure to comply with these terms and conditions due to any event beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, your provision of inaccurate information.


Periodically, Body & Mind may suspend the site’s or app’s operation for repair or maintenance work, or to update or enhance the site’s content or functionality. Access to or use of the site or any linked sites, pages, or applications is not guaranteed to be uninterrupted or error-free.

Body & Mind may terminate the Service immediately if you violate any of these terms and conditions or if you fail to pay any amounts due to Body & Mind (including if the credit/debit card you use is invalid or does not function for any other reason).


Information presented on the site, app or in our centre as to pricing and availability is subject to change by Body & Mind without notice.


Body & Mind may change these terms and conditions from time to time. By using the website or the mobile application, you agree to be bound by the current terms and conditions. Check these every time you revisit a website or use an app. These terms and conditions form the entire understanding of the parties and supersede all previous agreements, understandings and representations relating to the subject matter.

These terms and conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with Gibraltar law, and you consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Gibraltar courts.


If you have any enquiries or complaints email


In common with many websites, we use “cookies” to help us gather and store information about visitors to our site. A cookie is a small data file that our server sends to your browser when you visit the site. It does not identify you individually; just the IP address you’re accessing the site from. The use of cookies helps us enhance your experience of the site. You can delete cookies at any time or you can set your browser to reject or disable cookies. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse them, our system will issue cookies when you log on to the Site.

We may use information from cookies for the following purposes:

  • Traffic monitoring, for example, the IP address from which you access the site, the type of browser and operating system used to access the site, the date and time of your access to the site, the pages you visit, and the Internet address of the website from which you accessed our site;

  • To recognise repeat visitors for statistical/analytical purposes; or

  • Anonymous tracking of interaction with online advertising, for example, to monitor the number of times that a banner ad is displayed and the number of times it is clicked.

We may connect the information that we collect through cookies with other personal information that you provide to us. Here’s why we’ll do this:

  • To customise or personalise your experience of the site or app

  • For transactional purposes, such as credit card sales; or

  • To make our communications with you as relevant as possible; for example, by sending you email communications relevant to the parts of the site that you visit most often or by letting you know about features of the site that you have not accessed previously.

We may compile and report to third parties (such as advertisers) aggregate statistics about our users in terms of numbers, traffic patterns and related site information. However we will never pass on your identity or any specific information about you personally to a third party. If you choose not to receive cookies, you may still use most of the features of our website. Most modern browsers are set to accept cookies by default, but you can change your settings to notify you when a cookie is being set or updated, or to block cookies altogether. Please consult the “Help” section of your browser.


I authorise Body & Mind Gymnasium Wellness & spa Limited to charge my credit or debit card monthly dues. The monthly payments will begin on the date of enrollment and continue to be deducted on the same date each month. I understand charges will continue month-to-month until I choose to cancel or freeze my membership, after a minimum 3-month commitment, using the procedures defined below.


I am aware that the procedure for cancelling my subscription is to provide a notification of cancellation in writing 15 days before my final billing cycle, and that any changes to my account must be requested by the card holder on the account, with the card holder’s signature providing authorization for the change.


Our vouchers are valid for a year, unless stated otherwise.



Do not use whole body cryotherapy if you are pregnant or have:

Hypothyroidism; narrowing of valves; crescent-shaped aorta and mitral valve; chronic dis-ease of the respiratory system; severe hypertension (blood pressure > 180/100), acute or recent myocardial infarction (heart attack; need to be cleared for exercise), arrhythmia, symptomatic cardiovascular disease, acute or recent cerebrovascular accident (stroke; must be cleared for exercise), uncontrolled seizures, fever, symptomatic lung disorders, bleeding disorders, infection, claustrophobia, intolerance to cold, incontinence, cancer or wear a pacemaker.

You must not enter the Cryo Cabin under the influence of narcotics, alcohol or illegal substances.


The minimum age for treatments is 16 years however parental attendance will be required for those under the age of 18.